So... I have a Tumblr account I wanna start using more, sooo I'm officially announcing it here.
Spectacles' House Of Horrors!
"House Of Horrors?" you may ask. Well, Newgrounds is already a pretty good place to store all my arts 'n such, and I don't like how Tumblr compresses my image quality, so I won't mainly be using it for art much. Rather, since Twitter sucks and I wanna save my NG blog for art and serious stuffs, I feel Tumblr is the prefect place for me to just post whatever dumb garbage I want for the internet to see! That's why it's "Horrors."
It's also a pretty good place if you wanna ask me a question about me or my dumb animal characters.
Sooooo yeah, come check out my Tumblr if ya want! Dumb memes, low effort art, and snarky replies. I already got 3 pornbots following me, so you know it's gonna be good!